During these difficult times, we are still available to assist you in your time of need for your Personal Injury Case. We can handle almost everything electronically.

If you or a loved one have questions, please reach out to Alvin Wolff at alvinwolff@gmail.com or 314-651-8631.

Worker’s Compensation Attorney In St. Louis, MO

Reach Out To A St Louis Worker’s Compensation Attorney

In the state of Missouri, your employer is required to pay healthcare costs for any injury that occurs at work or when you’re on the job. The downside? Your employer has the right to select the doctor—and it’s that doctor who makes the call of determining when you are better. Too often, that call is prematurely made and the worker is not fully recovered at all. The fact is, jobs are meant to provide income and security. Getting injured on the job can undermine our sense of well-being—not to mention harm our health. When a work-related injury is affecting your life and you believe your workers’ compensation has been mishandled, contact Wolff & Wolff Trial Lawyers for help.

Wolff & Wolff Trial Lawyers has a combined practicing experience of 90 years. We have represented more than 8,000 clients over the course of our history. While practicing personal injury law, we have represented many clients in their workers’ compensation claims. These cases can be complicated, but we will put our knowledge and experience to work for you. We will fight for your right to fair compensation.

Understand Your Rights

If you have suffered a workplace injury, you could be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. As an employee in the state of Missouri, you may be able to collect workers’ compensation benefits while you recover from your injury. This sum, whatever it happens to be, is important for people who have been injured on the job. They need to be able to pay their rent or mortgage, pay their bills, and put food on the table. Yet, for anyone who is remotely familiar with workers’ compensation, you likely know how confusing these claims can be. Don’t get caught up in the legal maze! Let our experienced attorneys examine your claim and provide you with the information you need to know regarding how to best proceed.

Common Types of Workplace Injuries

Workers’ compensation covers many different types of injuries and accidents that are associated with the occupation. Some common types of work-related injuries and conditions include:

  • Cumulative injuries (i.e. carpal tunnel syndrome)
  • Occupational disease (i.e. respiratory diseases like Mesothelioma)
  • Sudden-onset injuries (i.e. hurting your back when lifting a heavy object or suffering a chemical burn)
  • Pre-existing conditions that are exacerbated by a workplace condition
  • Stress-related injury
  • Falls
  • Injuries that occur during lunch hours, breaks, or at a job-related activity (i.e. conference or company picnic)

Sometimes these injuries can be catastrophic and cause life-changing disability. A crushing accident or fall from a ladder can lead to devastating injuries. Yet, other injuries may still require a long recovery period and cause immense financial burden. As many people know, missing work for a few weeks—a few months—can take a serious financial toll on a household.

What Should You Do If You Get Hurt on the Job?

If you get hurt on your job, it may necessitate a call to emergency services. If you are unable to make this call, your workplace must do it. If you can speak, you should request a supervisor. Emergency care may still be required but, regardless, you should request to see doctor. It’s vital to have your injuries evaluated by a certified medical provider. You may not be aware that you’ve sustained a serious injury like a slipped disc or concussion. If you are able, you should fill out a workers’ compensation claim form right away. Be specific when you fill out this form. Make sure you fill it out completely. Be sure to request a copy of the form as well. At this point, your employer has a responsibility to contact the workers’ compensation insurer and arrange your medical care.

What Benefits Are Workers Entitled to?

Under workers’ compensation insurance, claimants may be entitled to:

  • Lost wages
  • Disability payments if you cannot work while recovering
  • Permanent disability settlement if your injury results in a permanent impairment
  • Medical treatment
  • Rehabilitation
  • Long-term compensation for permanent disabilities
  • Benefits for survivors if the injury results in worker’s death

If you are uncertain about what benefits you may be eligible for, let us help. We can go over your case and provide you with our opinion of the matter.

What Happens If Your Compensation Is Denied or Insufficient?

It sometimes happens that a worker is denied workers’ compensation benefits or is not provided with the full benefits they deserve. If this has happened to you, you should contact Wolff & Wolff Trial Lawyers for our help. The insurance providers and your employer will have attorneys—you should too. It’s important that you have competent legal counsel and representation working for you too. We have years of experience with workers’ compensation cases. We can provide you with the service you need during these difficult times.

Some people are worried about filing a claim. They fear that it will have a bearing on their employment. However, in the state of Missouri, an employer may not fire an employee in retaliation for filing a workers’ compensation claim. Hence—you cannot lose your job because you filed a claim for fair compensation. We will provide you with an overview of your rights when we meet to discuss your situation.

How Do I Know If I Have Case?

It’s not uncommon for people who suffer injuries on the job to wonder if they have a case. They may mistakenly believe that their injuries aren’t ‘extensive’ enough to bother with filing a claim. That’s why we offer a free initial consultation. We can examine your case and help you determine how to proceed based on our experience and knowledge of workers’ compensation benefits and the law. The decisions that you make about your claim can have a major impact on your life. Even though you aren’t required to have an attorney represent your interests, it’s a good idea to do so. Workers’ compensation claims are not always processed in workers’ best interests. We’ll do our best to make sure that your claim is handled fairly.

How Do I Know If I Need an Attorney?

Injured workers should know that they have the right to have an attorney at any point in the process from beginning to end. Some common situations where it’s wise to consult an attorney include:

  • An administrative judge recommends that you should get an attorney
  • The workers’ compensation insurer advises you to get retain the services of an attorney
  • The claim cannot be resolved through negotiation; it must be litigated
  • You aren’t sure how to proceed or you feel uncertain about your claim
  • The workers’ compensation company has denied your claim
  • You do not believe you are getting the medical treatment you need
  • Physician-authorized tests or surgeries are canceled by the insurance company
  • You do not receive weekly benefit checks during the period the physician states you cannot work
  • The workers’ compensation company representative will not speak to you
  • The insurer claimed that you did something to invalidate your claim
  • You suspect you are being subject to unfair treatment
  • You’ve been harassed on the job because of your injury
  • Your employer has terminated your employment
  • You believe you’ve suffered a permanent disability because of your workplace injury

Let Us Represent Your Interests

The attorneys of Wolff & Wolff Trial Lawyers will work tirelessly to pursue justice for you in this matter. When you hire our firm, you can expect us to provide you with a careful assessment of your claim. We’ll provide you with our honest analysis that’s based on our knowledge of the law and our experience with workers’ compensation cases. We can file court documents, manage paperwork, communicate with the workers’ compensation insurance company, consult with other attorneys involved in the case, negotiate on your behalf, and litigate aggressively in order to protect your rights.

You can rely on Wolff & Wolff Trial Lawyers to provide you with the service you need. We are a small St. Louis-based law firm that focuses on personal injury law, including cases that involve workers’ compensation. If you’ve been hurt on the job, you may be entitled to fair compensation by law. If you believe your rights are being unlawfully denied to you, you need a workers’ compensation attorney to work on your behalf. We have a long track record of success in the personal injury arena and have achieve millions in settlement and compensation awards for our clients. Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation. Let’s discuss your case so you can better determine how to proceed.

